Demonstration of the BARS system based on Mosoblgaz JSC

BARS based on Mosoblgaz JSC

On May 15, 2018, a working trip of the company «RaDiaTech» took place, the purpose of which was to demonstrate the capabilities and check the performance of the «BARS» system, with the «frontal» method of control and on the «ellipse».

The tests were carried out at the industrial site of Mosoblgaz, Lyubertsy, Moscow Region. In the course of the demonstration, an automated radiographic inspection of a pipe with a diameter of 159 mm and a wall thickness of 4.5 mm was carried out by the frontal method, as well as inspection of a pipe against an ellipse with a diameter of 57 mm and a wall thickness of 3.5 mm. As a result, digital radiographic images were obtained, which allows the flaw detector operator to identify defects, determine the type and classify them in accordance with GOST 7512-82. X-ray images obtained with the help of the BARS system are not inferior in quality to images obtained on an X-ray film.

BARS test report based on Mosoblgaz JSC